A Legacy, Reborn
What was going on?
Peel NRE are planning to demolish and regenerate Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station, an industrial landmark to the northwest. The first stage of redevelopment? A large logistic warehouse complex.
However, Peel NRE knew there was an inspiring story to be told. An intriguing story of industrial heritage, with deep roots woven into the neighbouring communities. They wanted to respect the industrial heritage of its past, and to create excitement about the future uses of this site.
At the end of an era, how do you engage on transforming this both locally and nationally significant brownfield site into something befitting the 21st Century?
How we helped
Obtaining buy-in and getting people onboard was key to the success of regenerating this sensitive project. As such, to build excitement and respect the sites heritage, an initial engagement collated memories and historical photos from residents and former employees, which were then shared back as part of the formal pre-application consultation.
At the core of the engagement strategy was a series of digital tools designed with accessibility and inclusivity at its heart. Virtual drop-in sessions complemented the extensive online guided masterplan walkthrough, which used historical imagery from local people and CGIs. Users could even interact with 360° drone footage from the top of the cooling towers!
Not only that, but we put real faces and names to the scheme. A personal and approachable touch. Stakeholders were able to listen to Dan Collinson, site manager at Fiddler’s Ferry for over 15 years, and Kieran Tames, Development Director, talk about the history of the power station.
From breaking down barriers to language, to the use of both visual and audio mediums further aided in the accessibility of the information available amongst the wider community. This enabled a greater understanding of the technical challenges and constraints in regenerating this brownfield site, enabling them to focus far greater energy on providing meaningful feedback.

Engagement Strategy
Meaningful Engagement
Lasting change to a landmark that holds a special place in the hearts of its community is best adopted when those affected are not only informed but help to define that change.
Within this defiantly thorough, on-going engagement exercise, this isn’t simply a case of ticking a box of support. This is ensuring the community know they are being listened to, that we understand them, and to use these opportunities to co-design alongside them, enabling the project team to update their plans iteratively throughout this engagement exercise.
The result? Over 5,000 meaningfully engaged participants!

Engaging the Seldom Heard
Regeneration for the next generation
Fiddler’s Ferry, a masterplan, to be delivered in phases over a 15 year period. Today’s youth, will then be adults. Hearing from them about the world around them, and its future, is just as important as hearing from everyone else.
By rolling out our Digital Classroom Kit across the region, we're capturing their vision for the future of a place they may one day call home. In doing so, we're embedding them not just in the community, but in the very landscape of a future they'll help shape.
Learn more about engaging with the next generation:

Award Winning Engagement
National Recognition
Deetu’s entry centered around Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station, has been awarded Best Public Engagement and Participation of a Brownfield Activity at the 2023 Brownfield Awards!
Learn more about our second Brownfield award win: